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Secretory message

Hon. Shri. Chandrakant Shete
Indrayani Vidya Mandir

"Indrayani Vidya Mandir's Indrayani Mahavidyalaya offering Arts Commerce, Science, BBA & BCA courses in both under graduation & post graduation in Talegaon Dahhade. Learning Is not a process that ends with the conclusion of one's college career. It is indeed a lifelong process. This college is oriented to the total formation of a ward and to adaptations a various methods suiting the dynamics of changing world in order to achieve common goals and objectives. Our commitment to such learning will always persist in all our endeavours. Our faculty continues to provide their expertise through the continuing education programmes. The departments has also established rich and formal relationships with the industry through the courses and regular class room interactions, inviting industry professionals and through seminars and other soft skill programmes. I sincerely hope that our students will use the facilities protected to them in our campus and find their profession and justify the trust placed in them by their family, Society and Nation in helping the Country in its march towards becoming a developed Country Let me take this opportunity to congratulate all departments of our Indrayani Mahavidyalaya for their untiring efforts and wish all the students the very best in their attempts to build up purposeful clareers for them.